Informing Energy and Environmental Public Policy

AGF funds independent, critical research that can be used by policy experts, government officials, the media and others to help formulate fact-based energy policies that will serve this country well in the future

We make sure the right questions are being asked and answered.

Founded in 1989, the AGF is a 501(c)(3) organization focused on being an independent source of information research and programs on energy and environmental issues that affect public policy, with a particular emphasis on natural gas. Overseen by a board of trustees, the AGF has delivered numerous key public policy reports since 2000 and has sponsored executive level forums and events focusing on energy supply. Below are highlights of AGF accomplishments and forthcoming studies.

About AGF
When it comes to issues that impact public policy on energy, the American Gas Foundation (AGF) is committed to making sure the right questions are being asked and answered. AGF funds independent, critical research that can be used by policy experts, government officials, the media and others to help formulate fact-based energy policies that will serve this country well in the future.

Our Mission
The American Gas Foundation (AGF) has gained recognition as a valuable source of information on energy issues that affect public policy. AGF focuses on raising the visibility of the Foundation, extending its outreach to other segments inside and outside of the natural gas industry and increasing our portfolio of important public policy studies and programs.

Board of Trustees
  • Mr. J. Kevin Akers
    Mr. J. Kevin Akers
    President and Chief Executive Officer
    Atmos Energy Corp.
  • Mr. David Anderson *
    Mr. David Anderson *
    President and Chief Executive Officer
  • Mr. Ron Bradley
    Mr. Ron Bradley
    Retired Utility Executive, Gas Operations
  • Mr. David C. Carroll
    Mr. David C. Carroll
    Energy Executive and Advisor, Former President and CEO and Honorary President
    GTI and International Gas Union
  • Mr. Pedro Cherry
    Mr. Pedro Cherry
    President and Chief Executive Officer
  • Dr. Paula Gant
    Dr. Paula Gant
    President and CEO
    GTI Energy
  • Ms. Karen Haller
    Ms. Karen Haller
    Chief Executive Officer
    Southwest Gas Holdings, Inc. and Southwest Gas Corporation
  • Ms. Karen A. Harbert
    Ms. Karen A. Harbert
    President and Chief Executive Officer
    American Gas Association
  • Mr. D. Russell “Rusty” Harris
    Mr. D. Russell “Rusty” Harris
    Vice President and General Manager Gas Operations, Southeast Energy Group
    Dominion Energy
  • Mr. Mark Kahrer
    Mr. Mark Kahrer
    Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Marketing and Energy Efficiency
    New Jersey Natural Gas
  • Mr. James Laurito
    Mr. James Laurito
    Former Executive Vice President, Business Development
    Fortis Inc.
  • Mr. Bob Rowe
    Mr. Bob Rowe
    Venture Partner and Senior Advisor
    The Westly Group and Guggenheim Partners 
  • Mr. John W. Somerhalder II
    Mr. John W. Somerhalder II
    Retired Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
    AGL Resources
  • Mr. Nick Stavropoulos
    Mr. Nick Stavropoulos
    Former President, Gas and Electric
    Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

* Designates Executive Committee Member